Just an extremely quick message to let everyone know that Parker's strength, determination and humour has made a very dreaded day much more bearable. Parker is doing very well right now. He had his surgery and bone marrow

harvest first thing this morning and typical for the little monkey has not had any pain meds since. He is such a fighter! I am sure that the little guy is in pain, but I think that he is just being strong for his mommy who cries at the mere thought of his pain. My husband is staying with the little guy again tonight. I am so thankful to have a husband who is so caring, loving and committed to our family the way he is. He wants me to get my rest so that I am not as overwhelmed with everything. It is also easier for him to be there in case something medical needs to be done and he needs to help hold the little wrestler down. Besides, his Italian is much better than mine! Regardless, I just want him to know how much I appreciate and love him.

We are counting the hours until Nana and Gaga arrive. We keep telling Parker and I know that he is going to be so excited when he sees them and can finally go on Gaga's shoulder again. It will be so nice to have the support and comfort as we trek through some difficult days ahead. My parents have always been very supportive of us and we want them to know how much it means to us that they are making this trip.
I am sure that daddy will write again soon. When I left my two boys tonight they were both very happy. Parker was bouncing around in his crib and laughing and daddy was just happy to see his little guy in good spirits. I hope that Parker does not keep his daddy up again tonight. I think that he is taking "Boys Night" a little too serious and doesn't realize that they both really do need their rest!
Hey Parker,
I am so happy to hear that you are not in pain and that you are laughing again.
How nice it will be when you get out of the hospital and you will have Nana and Gaga there.
Stay strong big guy.
love you tons
miss you more
Nonno & Nonna
Parker Pants,
I am so glad to hear that you made it through another difficult day with your amazing spirit and zest for laughter! You are such a little monkey...I know that I tell you that all the time but it is true! I marvel at your strength and your spirit.
I hope that you, your Daddy, and your Mommy all sleep well tonight. Just think, only one more sleep until Nana and Gaga arrive! You will have so much fun together! Shoulder rides here you come!
Auntie Natalie xoxoxo
Hi my little Parker Darling,
I am so sorry I've not been able to post of late - but I have made sure I am up to date on what's going on! I am glad that everything went well and you came through with flying colours, showing everyone (yet again!) how brave, strong and resilient you are! I've said this before, but I will say it again, you've been through more than most adults experience in a lifetime (or even more lives!) and we can all learn from you, Parker darling,
My friend Tracy,
I hope you are well - resting and keeping your spirits up as well. Please know I am thinking of you every day over here in the neighbourhood...and I can't help but look at your house when I walk by. Finn misses you guys, too - I know he can't wait to see Parker again! You are VERY lucky to have a hubby like you do - and a son like Parker.
(((((((((((BIG HUGS))))))))))))
Love Elizabeth
Hiya Parkerbear!!!
How are ya, FighterBoy!! I think that's the superhero name Jett refers to you as to his friends. Don't worry if when you get home, Jett just stares at you in awe.........it's hero worship. I hear they let you out on good behavior from the hospital! Seriously though, we're happy that you're doing so well. It's such a scary time for your mommy and daddy, and you're such a brave little man. We love you and miss you guys soooooooooo much!!!
Love ya lots and lots and lots,
Auntie Kate, Uncle Michael, and Jett xo
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