We were quite upset when we got the results and to be honest, we still do not know what to make of them. Dr. Aiuti is currently unavailable and we do not feel comfortable with the answers we get when we ask anyone else but him what is going on with Parker. For that reason, I did not get into it with the doctor that gave us Parker's results. My wife and I do not know what Parker's metabolite level is at the moment or anything else other than what we got from the phone call on Thursday afternoon. For that reason, it is really hard for me to make a prediction of what is going on now.
This coming Wednesday, Parker will give blood in addition to having his three month bone marrow aspiration. All we can hope is that this weeks blood results were just an anomaly and that his bone marrow has improved since its examination last month.
How are we handling all the stress that has been thrown at us you may ask? We just continue to stay positive. Parker is clinically doing very well and we know that when this is all said and done, Parker will live a normal life.
Thinking of you guys EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!
Much love,
Stacy , Brad & Olivia xoxoxo
Parker Pants,
Tell your Mommy and Daddy that everyone who loves you is doing their very best to stay positive too...and I hope that these positive thoughts are helping you to feel better little one. I love you sooooooo much. I cannot wait to give you a kiss and a hug....I keep telling EVERYONE that will listen what a little ladies man that you are...I bet all of the Italian ladies in Milano are already completely won over by you!
Lots of love cutie pie,
Auntie Natalie xoxoxoxoxo
Hey Parker,
I said it once and I will keep believing it! You are surrounded with soooo much love and positive thinking not only from your Mommy and Daddy but eveyone else starting with your Nana, Gaga, Nonno,Nonna, Nonnie all your aunties and uncles, cousins and everyone else that you have met. That and that alone will help you through this battle and come home to a healthy normal life.
Stay strong DesLauriers, you are not alone.
love you tons
miss you even more
Nonno, Nonna and Nonnie
Dear Parky,
Thank God for your parents who are always so strong and positive! You will be better, we just know it.
You probably miss your Nonna and Nonno since they just left, and just to let you know, they REALLY miss you and your parents too. We wish we could go and see you as well. Keep being the sweet happy boy you are and we know things will turn around.
Love you and mommy and daddy sooo much!
Auntie Christini and Uncle Mikey and Jacob xoxoxoxo
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