Monday, May 15, 2006

Numbers Are Up Again!

I will start this article with what everyone is waiting to know. Parker's numbers from his CBC came back early this afternoon and they have continued to increase. Last week, Parker's neutrophil count had crept back over 1.5(cut off for neutropenia) to 1.55 making him no longer neutropenic. Today, Parker's neutrophil count reached 3.97 leaving him even more better off than last week. Looking at his white blood cell count last week he had gotten up to 3.5 (4.5 is normal). Today it was 8.3, in the normal range. Now, Parker's biggest hurdle is getting his lymphocyte levels in the normal range of 2 - 17. When he came to Sick Kids he was 0.080. Last week he made is to 0.43 and today he was 1.7. Just shy of being in the normal range. From what I understand, Parker's B-cells are monitored by his gamma globulin levels. Each month he gets a transfusion replenishing these cells. Parker's IGG levels (immuno gamma globulins) have decreased again this week. PEG-ADA does not normally repair the IGG levels and monthly transfusions are normally still needed. That said, there is the possibility that it has just not taken affect yet.

Parker also had a visit from his occupational therapist today. She was very pleased with what he accomplished over the past few days. Daddy and Parker had worked on Parker's tummy exercises as well as rolling over and it definately paid off. Parker came through when it mattered and impressed his therapist. When daddy came by at the end of the day he rewarded Parker with some more play time. He is a strong little boy and daddy is very proud of everything he has accomplished.

Tomorrow, I will get to see Parker in the morning as I will be dropping by to do an interview with the Toronto Star about Severe Combined Immunodeficiency caused by an ADA deficiency and how our little boy is coping with the disease. We will let everyone know when it is going to be in the health secton of the Star.


Stacy and Brad said...

Oh Parker!!!! Way to go little man!!! You are well on your way to putting this all beind you...!!!
Everyone is so proud of everything you accomplish!!!!


Elizabeth said...

Yay Parker!

Wow, impresive numbers - I am so glad to see that they are up and look forward to more reports of increasing numbers!


Love, Elizabeth

Nonno and Nonna said...

Hey Parker,

You are the man I love it when I get good news about your health. I truly believe it will not be long before you get to go home to your beautiful, loving bedroom.

Stay strong big guy!

love you tons

Nonna & Nonno