Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Where Have all the Neutrophils Gone?

I had mentioned in my last post that Parker had become neutropenic in the past month. We had originally hoped that it was tied to a medication he was taking, but that was not the case. Our immunology team has decided to ask the haemotolgy team for their expert opinion. They have visited Parker and reviewed his complete blood count. There are specific things that they will try and rule out before we assume it is only tied to the ADA deficiency.

First some forms of neutropenia can be heriditary. This is extremely rare and we believe it is very unlikely. ADA and Congenital Neutropenia, who wins the lottery twice? To rule this out, they will take a blood test from my wife and I and check our neutrophil counts.

Secondly, it could be caused by some virus. They will do a blood test on Parker to see if that is the case. If it is, we will just have to pretty much wait it out until it goes away.

Thirdly, there could be a problem with his bone marrow. I am not completely up to speed on what they would be looking at but they will have to do a bone marrow aspiration to test for it. It would consist of a needle puncturing his bone and removing some of his bone marrow. It would be done unter a local anestha; however, he would find it quite painful once it is done. He would most likely receive morphine (orally) to combat his pain.

The blood test on Parker will be done tomorrow. We are currently waiting to hear from the immunology and haemotogy teams to see if it is necessary to do the bone marrow aspiration tomorrow or after he has been on the PEG-ADA for a while.

Everyone is hoping that Parker neutropenia is related to his ADA deficiency. If it is then the PEG-ADA should remove the toxins and increase his neutrophils. Although I have not read any literature about of this yet, I have just recently heard of one case where the ADA caused the child to be neutropenic. The PEG-ADA alleviated that problem.


Nonno and Nonna said...

Hey Parker

You know you don't have to come up with all these rare challenges to prove that you are special. We all know that you are not only special, but handsome, smart, and very, very cuddlely.
Parker today is your Daddy's Birthday and we all want to wish him a Happy Birthday, so when he comes tonight make sure you don't forget to give him one of your biggest smiles.
Stay Strong Big Guy!

love you tons

Nonno & Nonna

Elizabeth said...

Stay strong, Parker! Every trial and tribulation that you go through will make you a stronger boy. You can do it! We're all rooting for you.

You're in my thoughts,

Elizabeth said...

What?!??! It's your daddy's birthday? Well I didn't know that! Another Taurean, we're a great bunch - don't you think your daddy is great! Please wish your dad a Happy happy birthday for me and give him a great big smile next time you see him. :)
