Once we arrive in Milan and get settled I believe that Parker will take part in a battery of tests so that there is data to compare with once the procedure has been completed. I believe that this should take close to a month and for that reason I think Parker will remain on the enzyme replacement therapy until the tests have been completed.
We have currently contacted the Toronto Star and CityTV to inform them about our recent news. They have followed the story from the beginning and we wanted to make sure that they are up-to-date with Parker's progress. If I do hear anything from them in regards to either wanting to do a story I will definitely let people know when and where they can look for it.
Now that we know for sure that we are leaving and that it will be in the next couple of weeks we have a new set of stresses emerging. As always my wife is very vocal to me about them as I analyse them quietly within. I am sure that it is quite obvious to everyone what kinds of things we could possibly be worried about. Regardless, my wife and I are extremely happy to know that we will have the trip to Italy very shortly and that Parker's treatment has finally made it to the next stage.
As I find more information out I will definitely share it with everyone that populates this blog.
I am SO happy that we finally have a date!!!
Your time in Italy will be here and gone before we can blink and I can't wait cause then I WILL GET TO GIVE PARKER A GREAT BIG HUG IN PERSON!!!
I know you have alot on your plates the upcoming weeks but it is all going to work out :)
Stacy and Brad
Hey Parker,
THANK YOU ITALY! Having said that....
This message is more for your Daddy and Mommy, but with you in mind always.
Kevin I can't begin to express how proud we are of you, you're not only a great Daddy, but you've always been the strong one thinking everything out,and if you don't understand something you always research until you do. Tracy you have always been very loving to our son and for that we thank you. Your love for Parker shows not only by the way you take great care of him but, by the way you have fought the battles that had to be fought, to keep him healthy. I also know how overwhelming these next two weeks will be for the both of you.
When we are with Parker we can see how he is surrounded with love and happiness, this alone will help him through your new advantures.
To the the three of you I give you all my strength.
Parker I wanted to let you know that your Daddy was and is a real fighter and I can see that you are the same.
Stay strong DesLauriers, there is a light at end of the tunnel.
Love you tons
Nonno & Nonna
I know that this is the best news we could possibly have gotten. So why the tears? We will miss Parker, Tracy and Kevin so much that it hurts our very soul. But this is not about us. It is about our precious grandson who is facing the challenge of his young life and who is up for it and will return to us a new healthy and happy baby with his parents who can start living their life minus the horrors of the past year as they should have always been able to do. This will be the hardest time of our life but a small sacrifice to have our loved ones home safe and sound and able to participate in all the joys of being a "normal" and unrestricted family.
We love you all so much and know in our hearts all will turn out well and faith, prayers and love will turn this story into unspoken happiness for all.
Six months is like a small pebble of sand in a huge ocean.
All our love goes out to our strong and courageous Parker, Tracy and
Nana and Gaga
Congradulations on your first steps to returning home to family and friends who miss you sooooo much.
Love you tons and tons,
Uncle Mikey, Auntie Christini and Jacob.
Hey Parker!
This is just wonderful news! Congratulations Parker; we wish you all the best in Milan. You are always in our thoughts Mr. Monkey and we love you very much!
Kev, Tracy .. you guys are amazing people and parents. There is no doubt in our minds that you will rise to the challenge ahead and prevail just as you have already done thus far.
Love always & God bless.
Kyle & Josephine
Yay, yay, yay!
I was so glad to hear the news from your Mommy this morning, Parker! Wow - you finally have a date! Now we can start looking forward to your return (your Mommy says in the early Fall) and we can all start looking forward to spending time with you - most importantly, finally getting to give you a hug. I know that Calder will be looking forward to a friend in you (because he will hear about you a lot from me!)
Dearest Parky,
When we heard the news on Sunday night, we were never happier. FINALLY! Now you can concentrate on getting better and stronger so that you can come back home to us and live a healthy life with all your family and friends...something that we have taken for granted.
Your mommy and daddy are extra strong and have been throughout this whole ordeal. We are so proud of you.
Love you lots and lots!!!!!!!!!
Auntie Christini xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
This is the best news I have heard in a long time! When your daddy told me last night Parker I could hardly wait to get off the phone and tell our family.
Well Parker it will be so great to finally be able to have you play at our house with Elizabeth and Bear.
We will think of you guys everyday you are gone and praying for only the best.
So DesLauriers upon your return we will have the wine and beer cold with some of Uncle Craig's famour ribs on the bbq.
Can't wait Parker...it will be so great to snuggle you, spoil you and slip you treats when your mom's not looking!
Laura, Craig and Elizabeth
Hurray Parker!
Uncle Petee and I are so very excited for the great great news!
You are going to do amazing in Italy, surely surprising the Doctors over there with your strength and intelligence.
We will miss having you just around the corner, but cannot wait for your return when we can finally spend some quality time with you.
Kevin and Tracy, we will be thinking about you and how courageous you both have been through all of this.
Hurray again for the wonderful news!!
The boys are looking forward to playing with Parker when you return home.
Lots of love,
Auntie Franni, Uncle Pete, Patrick, Jonathan and William
This is the news that everyone has been waiting for. After all this time, there is a very bright light shining ahead of you guys.
I am sure that there were tons of tears shed as everyone read this posting, but rest assured they are not tears of sadness. We are all so very excited for the three of you as you start this new chapter of Parker's journey. As a great Canadian once sang, "A new day has come" for the three of you.
There will of course be much to do and organize in the next little while - just know that we all are thinking about you Parker, Kevin & Trace. Look out Italy - you haven't seen anything like this little family!!!!
With lots & lots of love,
Kari, Ryan, Sarah & Mackenzie
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