I know that I had recently mentioned that Parker did not seem too interested in walking; however, I can see that this accomplishment is only a short time away. Parker stands in the middle of the room without support as he turns his body around quite regularly. When he holds his daddy's hand while standing he has no problem knowing what to do with his feet. My goal for Parker was to have him walking before we leave for Italy, and I am sure he will accomplish that.
I know that many people are wondering when we are leaving for Italy, but we are still waiting for a concrete date. As of the past week and a half we have only known that we should be ready to leave for the end of February. This has really been having its tole on my wife. She has a lot on her mind and really wants to know when we are leaving for Italy. I am much better at handling the stresses of Parker and his disease but my wife finds it very difficult as she is an anxious person to begin with. Dad's and mom's are affected very differently when they go through something like this. I think it has something to do with the having the baby in their tummy for so long.
She has been absolutely amazing with everything that she does around the house and with Parker since he has come home. She pretty much single-handedly is responsible for keeping our home germ free. I have spent quite a bit of time studying for my SCWCD exam that I have not been of much help around the house (except for cooking and playing with Parker). In addition, she has not given me any grief about the time I have spent at the computer and with my nose buried in my notes. She has supported me one hundred percent. For that I am very thankful. So, let's have everyone put a Whoa, mommy! in their comment today. So, everybody...One, Two, Three....Whoa Mommy!
Hey Parker, Mommy and Daddy
I really believe you will hear something this week. I know how stressful this has been for you both, more so for Tracy.
Parker you better have your monkey and blanket packed and ready to go.
Stay strong big guy, your journey is about to begin.
Did I tell you how comfortable you looked lying there with your Mommy.
love you tons
Nonno & Nonna
One, Two, Three....Whoa Mommy!
Parker - Hi cutie!!!
I love bathtime too!!! Only I get in trouble if I get too much water outa the tub!!! ahahah
I hope you are having a great week!!!
Hey Parker,
We too hope this is the week!! You are sooooo precious to all of us and we want you better ASAP cause we have 13 months of hugs and kisses we have to catch up on already!! Take care big guy.
Love you tons and tons,
Uncle Mikey, Auntie Christini and Jacob.
Whoa Mommy!
Well I have just over the past 5 months learned how difficult it is to raise a child - but of course, very rewarding. But that is without the added stress that you both have to go through every day in making sure that Parker stays strong and healthy. Kudos to you, Trace...you are doing a great job, never forget that.
Love Elizabeth
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