Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Nighttime Pictures -- Updated

I had woken up this morning expecting to go to the Toronto Star web site to read an article about Parker. However, at 5am when I came downstairs while my wife gave Parker a bottle I noticed that there was not an article about Parker to be found. I am not sure why it is not there as we were told it was supposed to be today, but we are getting used to being pushed to different dates, so it is not really a big deal. The story was just to be an update story so they may be using it for a different day. We left a message this morning with the health reporter at The Star to see why it was not in today's paper. As soon as I found out, I will let everyone know.

Today is Tuesday. That means that Parker gets his Septra, which I gave him this morning and we also drive in to Toronto to get him his PEG-ADA injection. Last Friday, Parker had his full body x-rays taken and we are waiting to find out the results of those x-rays. Recall that one of the side effects of ADA deficiency are skeletal problems. So the doctors wanted to see if Parker displayed any. We hope to hear from a doctor to about the x-rays, but will not be surprised if we don't.

I had mentioned that Parker had been waking up in the middle of the night to play with his blanket. We figured two nights ago we could sneak in there when we heard him playing to see if we was sitting up, as he rocked back and forth with his blanket. We did not exactly find him that way but he was happy to be surprised none-the-less. I have included some images of us trying to get the little monkey back to bed. The lighting is not the greatest in the pictures as it was pitch black in the room at the time they were taken.

Please check back later today to find out it we know anything about the x-rays and why the article was not in the newspaper today.

UPDATE - The Toronto Star will be using the story next Tuesday as there was not room for it in this Tuesday's edition. It is not a story that needs to be in today's paper so it can be postponed. As for the x-rays, the report was not in the system yet; however, his lungs did look clear. We will meet with the doctors as soon as there is a report in the system.

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