Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Parker is my Good Luck Charm

I woke up this morning at 6:45am and walked into Parker's room to find him lying perpendicular to his crib with his two legs dangling out, as he played with the music box that is attached to his crib. As I walked closer to him he turned his head and looked at me. Do you know what he did? He smiled at his dad. How can anyone have a bad day when you start your day like that. I smiled back at my little friend, freed his legs from the crib and laid him lengthwise. I rubbed his hair told him I loved him and that he should go back to sleep so mommy could get some rest. Daddy was going to try to get nine holes of golf in this morning.

I can't say I won, although it was definitely close, but I can say that what I used to consider a very stressful sport was not what I had remembered. My brother and I both have children now and our priorities have changed greatly since the last time we both played. My game contained three bad shots, my first one, and two into the water that ended up costing me the game. With the memory of my smiling little boy still fresh in my mind it was easy to realize what is important in life and to enjoy the morning for what it was, a couple hours of golf with a family who loves you.

I usually write from home but I came down to the La Primevera Ballroom where Parker's Journey is taking place to test the Internet connection. I figured I could write my article for today while my wife fed the little monkey. Yes, we decided to bring Parker with us, bubble and all to test the connection. He is sitting in front of me pulling at the straps of his stroller as I finish the article. I am really looking forward to seeing everyone this Friday at the benefit dinner. The martini bar opens at 6:30 and those who love antipasto the antipasto bar is open from 6p - 7:15p, while the dinner begins at 7:30p. I will definately be skipping lunch.

I purchased a couple domain names yesterday for when I move Parker's site off of blogger. It cost $20 and I figured it would be easier for people to remember. Give it a couple of months and and will be the links for Parker's website. At the moment it only says coming soon. I am really excited about being able to move Parker's site. For those of you who are curious we have had over 50,000 hits since we opened the site in March.

Lastly, the winning video from last week's poll is ... Parker Laughing at his monitor.

1 comment:

Nonno and Nonna said...

Hey Parker

I can just imagine the joy in your Daddy's heart when you smiled at him. I agree with you KevY there is nothing that can replace the feeling that you get when your children are happy.

I also have to tell you our morning conversation on the porch was how good Kev's game was yesterday. Parker, Nonno said that your Daddy played like he had never stopped playing!

Stay strong big guy.

Love you tons.

Nonna & Nonno